31 August 2022

The San Lorenzo and Aregai Marinas at the Cannes and Genoa Boat Shows

31 August 2022

The Cozzi Parodi Group will participate in the Cannes Yachting Festival and Genoa Boat Show with Marina di San Lorenzo and Marina degli Aregai. This is what they are presenting

The San Lorenzo and Aregai Marinas at the Cannes and Genoa Boat Shows

The Cozzi Parodi Group will participate in the Cannes Yachting Festival and Genoa Boat Show with Marina di San Lorenzo and Marina degli Aregai. This is what they are presenting

2 minutes of reading

The Cozzi Parodi Group will participate in the Cannes Yachting Festival and Genoa Boat Show with Marina di San Lorenzo and Marina degli Aregai. The two marinas, located respectively in San Lorenzo al Mare and Santo Stefano al Mare, both in the province of Imperia, will be present at the two shows as “Riviera dei Fiori Marine.”

Pleasure boaters, workers and the enthusiast public will be presented in particular with the new mooring places for vessels up to 40 metres for sale at the Marina di San Lorenzo. Restyling work at San Lorenzo al Mare has been completed, with the addition of the latest generation electric columns, and other services and equipment to make it a secure and safe port, as the pier is well sheltered.

In Marina degli Aregai, instead they are currently building another two apartment buildings, in addition to the two completed ones. Once construction is complete there will be another forty new flats, right next to the port and cycle path. In regards to mooring, Marina degli Aregai has mooring places for yachts up to 50 metres.

Both marinas also have 4-star hotels. At Marina degli Aregai, guests are welcomed in the elegant Aregai Marina Hotel & Residence, while, at the Marina di San Lorenzo, top hospitality is guaranteed by the Hotel Riviera dei Fiori.

At the “Riviera dei Fiori Marine” stand at the Genoa Boat Show, there will also be Me connect, through which visitors can take a selfie and share it on social media. In addition to taking photos, visitors can also complete a questionnaire which will allow the Cozzi Parodi Group to evaluate which new services are need in the marinas, and which ones to improve.


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