Azimut Benetti confirms its top position in the boating industry

Azimut Benetti’s first place in the Global Order Book takes into account both the number of units under construction and overall length of the designs

15 December 2023 | by Redazione

Azimut Benetti Group confirms its position as top manufacturer of yachts over 24 meters, taking into consideration both the number of units under construction and the overall length of the designs, in short, 167 boats, equivalent to 6,014 metres or 14% of the market share. Announcing this is the Global Order Book, the top classification for the industry which collects and analyses the data from 177 active shipyards in every continent.

Statistics which are also confirmed through the growth in production value, over 23% higher than the year before, in the gross earnings margin (Ebitda) which has increased by 50%, and in the order portfolio up to 2027, thanks to the success of models popular on the market for their style and technology solutions and attention to consumption and environmental impact.

Alongside their economic results, supported by solid finances and assets, with which the company guarantees an investment of 150 million euros over the next three years, are the decades dedicated to researching the best solutions to reduce their environmental impact: efforts that have led to a reduction in CO2 emissions in the boating industry and the first agreement for the use of HVO biofuel. The Group also promotes the creation of a public index to measure the efficiency of a yacht, in partnership with Lloyd’s Register and the Superyacht Eco Association.

The extraordinary longevity of Azimut Benetti’s position lies in its status as a family run business, led by the Vitelli family together with two quality minority partners PIF and TIP, who stimulate and check. Since the company was founded, it has followed a coherent business model, resilient and sustainable that puts client experience at its heart, alongside constant product innovation and caring for its human resources – a long term strategy.

In addition, with the recent generational change, putting Giovanna Vitelli as president of the Group, the company has  been evolving, focussing on further developing managerial culture and governance, all while still respecting the entrepreneurial DNA which has marked the success of the company and includes fast decision making, calibrated approach to growth and care for the wellbeing of its people. These traits translate into a strategic plan with three pilasters: evolution of the product, in design and sustainability, development of services through their Lusben and Yachtique brands, and the cultivation of talent.

First place in the Global Order Book is therefore the result of the Azimut and Benetti models, trailblazing concepts that anticipated owner needs and industry trends. The creation of new lifestyles on board and the reduction of CO2 emissions and energy consumption are the main pilasters of the Group’s product philosophy, both embodied in the yachts by Azimut and Benetti, and coherent with both brand values.


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