28 October 2024

Telemar Yachting: “With the T-Master Touch there is no longer a need for a user manual” – Video by DN

28 October 2024

Telemar specialises in designing technology for yacht management and monitoring. T-Master Touch, thanks to its touchscreen, is quick and easy to learn

Telemar specialises in designing technology for yacht management and monitoring. T-Master Touch, thanks to its touchscreen, is quick and easy to learn

2 minutes of reading

Telemar Yachting, leading company in the design of navigation and communication systems, presented, during the latest iteration of the Monaco Yacht Show, their T-Master Touch and T-Master KIT, touch Controlled bridges that make navigation and control of on-board systems quick and clear.
Daily Nautica interviewed Eleonora Stefanelli and Andrea Martini, respectively sales manager and engineer for Telemar Yachting.

T-Master Touch – explains Stefanelli to DN – helps users control all on-board systems like navigation, engines and battery levels, through a versatile workstation that integrates everything into a user-friendly interface; therefore there is no need for manuals or specialist preparation to use it. This bridge technology has a mechanical part but keeps an elegant and engaging design.

The true strength of this product is the intuitive interface: “The dashboard – notes Martini – is divided into two sections: in the engineering section, the user keeps an eye on the yacht through activators, while on the other hand they can interface with the ship’s on-board systems. This year, for the T-Master, we have designed new activators like the digital radar system and the autopilot system.

This same technology has been applied to the T-Master Kit, the latest launch by Telemar. “The Kit – explains the sales manager – is simply another version of the T-Master, with touch screen that can, however, be adapted to any type of support as long as it doesn’t include the mechanical part.” T-Master KIT has screens of different sizes – 24, 36, and 42 inches – allowing the user to choose the best solution for their needs. This flexibility makes it ideal for refitting, offering technological solutions without needing significant structural modifications on board.

The company

Telemar Yachting was established in 2005 within Telemar, a company with more than 75 years of experience in merchant marine bridge solutions and communications. Since 2015 Telemar has been part of the Marlink group, leader in airtime and communication solutions(communication services to guarantee connectivity on board vessels). The unique Telemar network assists more than 4500 commercial ships globally, supporting yachting customers worldwide.

By Manuela Facino

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