Bucci: “Unbreakable bond between Genoa and the Boat Show”. The agreement for the next 10 years has been signed

Under the direction of Regione Liguria, City of Genoa and Confindustria Nautica, a ten-year agreement has been signed between I Saloni Nautici and Porto Antico to organise the most important event in the Mediterranean.

3 June 2020 | by Redazione
The 59th Genoa Boat Show

Genoa and the Boat Show: an unbreakable bond. We want this event to remain the pride and joy of the city and we want Genoa to work hard to make sure the Show has an extraordinary added value. This agreement allows for a long-term vision on the development of our projects. In these last few years, we have already taken a huge step forward in terms of quality, something we wish to consolidate now.” The words of the mayor, Marco Bucci showcase the importance of the agreement signed on Thursday 28 May, which will allow the Genoa Boat Show to plan for the future.

Under the direction of Regione Liguria, City of Genoa and Confindustria Nautica, a ten-year agreement has been signed by the Boat Show, working under Confindustria Nautica and Porto Antico to organise the most important boating event in the Mediterranean.

Confindustria Nautica wants to make the Genoa Boat Show increasingly competitive and this was shared by all the local government bodies. Among the underwriters of this historic agreement is also I Saloni Nautici, a company with 100% of its shares owned by Confindustria Nautica for a better and efficient organisation of the Boat Show, and Porto Antica Spa, which will direct the evolution of the logistics in the Waterfront area, to guarantee the event receives the best international standing.


The Genoese boat Show is a wide reaching project, also supported by the Autorità di Sistema del Mar ligure Occidentale, who is also directly involved, guaranteeing the Boat Show has all the tools necessary to develop public land and its best use. A partnership which stems from the perfect sharing of reciprocal objectives, aimed at the international promotion of the Genoa area.

This agreement – notes Saverio Cecchi, president of Confindustria Nautica – ratifies in a lasting manner the great value that this sector and the association which represents it have. Confindustria Nautica is especially looking to the future with the possibility, after a long period of annual contracts, to design and plan the steps to be taken over the next ten years.

A strength – notes Cecchi – that consolidates in the knowledge that today’s agreement is the beginning of a road which will confirm that we are at the centre of the international boating community. We have a team working very effectively with this agreement. We would like to thank president Toti, mayor Bucci, president Signorini, the president of I Saloni Nautici, Carla Demaria and the president of Porto Antico, Mauro Ferrando, for their support in achieving this result.


Optimistic about the 2020 edition, which will also be the 60th, is also the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti. Genoa and Liguria – remembers Toti – are the capitals of boating in the world and today’s agreement confirms this. This accomplishment is the result of a great partnership between local governing bodies and the industry”.

I am certain – explains the governor – that even this year’s event will be an extraordinary international showcase for Liguria, with an even more important role in consideration of the effects of the Coronavirus emergency on the industry. All together we will know how to offer Italy and the world an unprecedented Boat Show, highlighting our desire to relaunch Liguria and the country.

Notwithstanding the restrictions caused by the health emergency, Confindustria Nautica and the local government have been working for a while preparing the 60th edition of the Show, as we reported in this article.


The agreement will also have another benefit on the entire port of Genoa. “The agreement – declares the president of the Autorità di Sistema del Mar Ligure Occidentale, Paolo Emilio Signoriniallows us to complete our plans for the promotion of one of the most important areas in Genoa, in the eastern side of the port.

Confindustria Nautica and I Saloni Nautici srl – concludes Signorini – can finally plan using a ten-year time line, to reinforce and develop the International Boat Show, while the water and land areas are given over throughout the rest of the year to private and public subjects capable of guaranteeing full use of the basin and the Waterfront area.


Giuseppe Orrù

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