24 May 2020

Fincantieri Infrastructure will rebuild the marina in Rapallo and the breakwater in Vado Ligure

24 May 2020

The marina in Rapallo and outer breakwater in Vado Ligure, heavily damaged by storms, will be rebuilt by Fincantieri, working under its subsidiary Infrastructure Opere Marittime

rapallo after the storm

The marina in Rapallo and outer breakwater in Vado Ligure, heavily damaged by storms, will be rebuilt by Fincantieri, working under its subsidiary Infrastructure Opere Marittime

3 minutes of reading

Fincantieri Infrastructure, through its subsidiary Fincantieri Infrastructure Opere Marittime, has signed the contract for the reconstruction, reinforcement and upgrade of the historical international tourist marina of Rapallo, the first Italian marina, designed and built by the boating pioneer, Carlo Riva in 1971, and heavily damaged by the storm in October 2018.

The rebuilding of the port will also have the aim of making the nearby housing and marine area of Rapallo safer. The same company working in the reconstruction of the bridge in Genova, will also be the herald of the reopening of one of the emblems of pleasure boating in Liguria and Italy.

The “Carlo Riva” marina will be restored in accordance with the highest maritime safety design  and logistics-infrastructure standards, as the design of the structures will be based on the data collected during the exceptional storm of 2018, thanks to an advanced physical model created by a high-tech Italian university, which will allow the new breakwater to resist any future storms of the same kind.

The complete work, including new wharfs and jetties will be completed in 15 months from when the works begin, planned for June, while at the same time, the outer and inner breakwaters should also be completed.

Fincantieri Infrastructure has also won, with a temporary business partnership with Fincosit Srl the bid for the movement and expansion of the outer breakwater in the port of Vado Ligure, tendered by the Autorità di Sistema del Mar Ligure Occidentale.

“I am very happy with the signing of this contract – notes Giuseppe Bono, CEO of Gruppo Fincantieri – this will allow Fincantieri, through its subsidiary, Infrastructure, to put its skills at the service of the reconstruction and modernisation of a marina that is the symbol of Italian boating, and which we hope will be a starting point for the recovery of the tourist industry in our country. Together with the port of Vado Ligure – explains Bono – we can contribute to the reinforcement of the Ligurian coastline and the consequential relaunch of its related industries.”

“With these further assignments – adds Marcello Sorrentino, CEO for Fincantieri Infrastrutture – we will consolidate our presence in the infrastructure industry, where in a short time, we completed, in record time, the construction of the bridge in Genova and the construction, under way in Braila in Romania, of a bridge over the Danube, the third longest suspension bridge in Europe. With the maritime works in Rapallo and Vado Ligure – concludes Sorrentino – we will give the country back those skills that were being lost”.


Giuseppe Orrù


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