06 June 2020

Genoa Boat Show and Barcolana unite to promote Italian boating around the world

06 June 2020

The two events aim to support, at an international level, the Italian nautical industry, relaunching their now historic partnership

Barcolana event

The two events aim to support, at an international level, the Italian nautical industry, relaunching their now historic partnership

4 minutes of reading

Over the last few days, Federazione Italiana Vela has hosted a very important meeting between the head of the Genoa Boat Show (1-6 October) and of Barcolana in Trieste (2-11 October) to increase the visibility of the Italian boating industry in the world. The three associations are working in partnership in view of an exceptional October, during which the two events, very well-known Italian events, will have the job of supporting, at an international level, the Italian nautical industry, relaunching their now historical partnership.

During the meeting it was decided to take the utmost advantage of the partnership of the two events, promoting this ideal passing of the baton between them, reinforcing the continuity created in 2020, especially at an international level. During the meeting, other possible methods of cooperation were discussed more in-depth, regarding the key aspects of the two events, like looking at economy of scale or simple skill exchanges between the organisations, which have already begun in order to find the best way to apply “anti-Covid” regulations to their respective events.

What emerged from the meeting will then be further developed at round tables over the next few weeks, involving Federazione Italiana Vela, Confindustria Nautica, I Saloni Nautici and Barcolana. At the meeting were present the president of FIV, Francesco Ettorre, the general managers of Confindustria Nautica, Marina Stella, the sales manager for Salone Nautico, Alessandro Campagna, the president of the Sailing sector of Confindustria Nautica, Fabio Planamente, the president of Barcolana, Mitja Gialuz, the international manager for Barcolana, Dean Bassi and the board member managing the FIV High Seas sector, Donatello Mellina.

For us, the Boat Show and Barcolana – noted Ettorre – are two of the most important moments for the development of the industry. It is important to capitalise on them, put them together, and go twice as fast to help push through that desire to begin again that we all feel. My idea was shared with the entire Federation Board. Besides, FIV has always had a central role in both the Genoa Boat Show and Barcolana, two large events which will now be integrated and promote each other.”

I confirm the desire of Confindustria Nautica – explained Marina Stella – to consolidate the partnership between these two great boating events. This is also inherent in our association’s mission, the promotion of boating and boating culture. The date for the Boat Show was a decision which was shared after careful reflection with the shipyards, given the need to restart the production cycle and the deliveries which were interrupted in March due to the health emergency, with an option to extend in case social distancing measures were made even more strict. Thanks to the date being in October, we opened up a new opportunity to elaborate new and effective initiatives for partnership and promotion of the two events.”

The situation we are experiencing – added Mitja Gialuz – pushed us to set the basis for the development of a new strategy for close and unprecedented partnership on many fronts between the two Italian boating capitals, Genoa and Trieste, working together. With this agreement, which I consider exceptional, also in the sense that we hope everything will go back to normal for 2021, we chose to put at the forefront the interest of the entire boating and sailing industry, in particular by creating a common platform and a united front for international promotion.

As an association – concluded Fabio Planamente – we are discussing with a number of different businesses that make up the boating industry and it is not easy to make everyone happy. The dates offer continuity for the Boat Show and Barcolana. Now with the two organisations we should present a united voice to the government, asking for immediate clarity regarding the rules and guidelines to follow during the two events.


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