23 October 2024

Baglietto mark their 170th birthday with two days of celebrations – Photos by DN

23 October 2024

For their 170th anniversary, Baglietto organised a gala evening for local and regional authorities and an open day for the families of their employees and suppliers

For their 170th anniversary, Baglietto organised a gala evening for local and regional authorities and an open day for the families of their employees and suppliers

2 minutes of reading

On Saturday 19 October, celebrations to mark Baglietto’s 170th anniversary were held in La Spezia. Two days dedicated to this Italian company full of history and tradition which looks to the future while remaining rooted in the past. During the gala evening, with around 250 guests, including the Daily Nautica team, the company also revealed their new concept celebrating over 30 years of partnership between Baglietto and designer Francesco Paszkowski. The concept was for Chato II a 70’ fast Open that perfectly embodies the shipyard’s innovative spirit and marks a further step forward in terms of style and technology.

There was, of course, space dedicated to the topic of sustainability, with live confirmation that the Bzero system is in working order; this system, for the production of “green hydrogen” is finally active. There was also a mention about Officina Baglietto, with the launch of a new competition for young talent, already active on a dedicated page on their site.

Saturday saw the participation of around 500 people at the open day, for the families of employees, suppliers and friends of the brand, who were able to explore the history of the brand through an immersive exhibit, “Tales of the Blue”, set up in a container for easy transport. In spite of the rain, this festive and relaxing atmosphere continues with games for the childrn, visits to vessels under construction, and a surprise visit by the A1 basketball team, Bertram Derthona Basket, who gifted a commemorative team shirt to the management and played basketball with the children.

We have chosen to celebrate this important event – notes Diego Michele Deprati, chief executive officer for Baglietto – in two equally important parts. The gala evening celebrated the local and regional authorities in a formal manner, and the Saturday celebrations wanted the celebrate the people, men and women, who truly represent the heart of Baglietto, who, with their hard work and effort, give meaning to this company and keep it moving forward. Men and women who with their hands and their experience, their intellect and knowledge have innovated, and even revolutionised, so much beauty. I think this is the secret to Baglietto. It certainly was 170 years ago, and throughout all those years that, since 1854 on the coast of Varazze, followed, giving life to this wonderful brand.”

By Manuela Sciandra




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