26 August 2019


RivieraVento: qualified sailing centre teaching sailing and seafaring culture


RivieraVento: qualified sailing centre teaching sailing and seafaring culture

1 minutes of reading

RivieraVento is an authorised sailing school for the training of candidates in the sailing of pleasure boats. The company offers sailing lessons for beginners and other levels with qualified instructors: courses can be in residence or itinerant cruise-schools (including long-distance navigation). RivieraVento also offers a nautical charter service that brings together a perfect mix of sailing, nature, and fun. Sailboat holidays are organised on the school’s cabin cruisers: safe, fast vessels with all the comforts, to discover and visit some of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean (including the Cinque Terre, the Gulf of La Spezia, Sardinia, Corsica and Isola d’Elba), as well as the enchanting itinerary inside the Cetacean Sanctuary. RivieraVento adheres to the principles of Responsible Tourism, in respect of local communities with a low environmental impact helping to rediscover the joy of slow and relaxing travel which has as its priority the quality of the journey, not the number of things to be seen.

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