26 August 2019


26 August 2019

Construction of Soft-tops and Hard-tops for Yachts


Construction of Soft-tops and Hard-tops for Yachts

2 minutes of reading

With over twenty years of experience acquired in the automobile industry with the design and manufacture of folding tops for cars, come the same products for the boating industry.
With a strong technological background together with a consolidated tradition of experience and artisan handicraft, Gruppo OPAC is an industry that is diverse and dynamic, of top quality, capable of great flexibility to give real time solutions to any market demand.
Industrialisation applied to the processing of materials like steel, aluminium, light alloys, resins, carbon fibre has contributed to the development of OPAC’s ‘Nautical Division’ which, among other things, has been making, for over ten years, all types of folding tops as well as custom solutions for open top boats and large yachts.
The nautical division of the company stays up to date with changing technology and can now count on the best available for design, manufacture and final testing of the process. All of this allows them to work to the highest and most consistent quality standards for all products, standards which have been validated officially through the attainment of a number of strict and prestigious certifications.
The tops, both manual and automated, are built using high-end materials to guarantee maximum precision in the geometry, smoothness of operation, and in their reliability over time.
Directly in the group’s facilities, or in the manufacturing facility of the client, the company can create even extremely large structures for mega-yachts, with arches covering up to 9.70m in length and 6.40m in width.

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