02 December 2022

World début at Boot 2023 for the Capoforte SQ240i with Molabo ISCAD V50 inboard

02 December 2022
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The Molabo ISCAD V50 engine, mounted on the Capoforte SQ240i is a 50 kW straight shaft inboard engine weighing only 45 kg

The Molabo ISCAD V50 engine, mounted on the Capoforte SQ240i is a 50 kW straight shaft inboard engine weighing only 45 kg

4 minutes of reading

After the great success of their Italian début at the Genoa Boat Show, where they received the Design Innovation Award 2022 in the ‘Motorboats up to 10m’ category, the Capoforte SQ240i, the first electric model of the Italian brand, surprises us once more.

The first model had an outboard Yamaha HARMO, but the one on show at the Dusseldorf Boot, from 21 to 29 January 2023, will be equipped with the Molabo ISCAD V50 inboard engine. 7.38 metres long and 2.46m wide, the Capoforte SQ240i can hold up to 10 people, concentrating in less than eight metres a new sailing philosophy.

The lines – explains the designer, Christian Grande, who created a design specifically for electric engines in this model – do not need to showcase its speed but should be harmonious, very much connected to relaxed and relaxing navigation. Capoforte is even able to interpret the soul of this owner, who is not looking for speed. From an engineering point of view, we decided to use a specific lamination, studied to reach the best performance in terms of efficiency, adequate for the type of propulsion used.”


The wide, rounded bow allowed the creation of a deck layout that makes comfort its main characteristic. The entire hull is built using infusion technology. “The relaxed and sociable atmosphere below deck – notes Christian Grande – is enhanced by a very versatile layout, where a large folding table leaves space for an additional cushion. In this configuration, the entire forward area of the vessel transforms into a large, full beam sun area, for maximum comfort.”

The central console leaves space to move safely and easily. Its design recalls an elegant yet technological piece of furniture, avoiding ostentatious and dynamic shapes which would be inappropriate for this type of product. To the stern is a large central sun area, fully embracing the comfortable full width bridge.

On the SQ240i the spirit of Capoforte models is enhanced by a combination of colours that not only evokes elegance and lightness, starting with the chalk white hull, but also recalls, with the clarity and brilliance of its bright tones and electric blue highlights, the power of electricity, in addition to connecting it deeply with the water element.


The Molabo ISCAD V50 electric engine is a 50 kW lineshaft inboard engine, weighing only 45 kg. Its low voltage components ensure high engine performance and battery use, this is also thanks to the development of the synergy between the controller interface and the engine itself. Indeed, ISCAD combines the engine and controller into a single unit: a solution that is easily integrated on board, reducing the amount of cables and space needed for installation.

Integration and maintenance can be easily carried out because there is no need for high tension safety protocols. The low tension components (48V) use the energy from the battery in the best manner possible, reaching a system efficiency measured at over 95% at optimal.


The Capoforte SQ240i was designed to mount, like in the first model produced, also an outboard Yamaha HARMO 3.7 kW engine system, equipped with rim drive technology for particularly efficient electric propulsion, when compared to a propeller of the same size. This is a propulsion system that guarantees extremely easy manoeuvrability even in small spaces and that uses the stator located on the external edge of the propeller, allowing for increased thrust at lower speeds compared to traditional motors of equivalent size.

Installing a HARMO is similar to traditional outboard engines, using a bracket located in the transom. In addition, it has a tilt function to lift it out of the water when it is not being used or if the vessel needs to be brought on land.



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