Tender or sporting boat: the Foiler “flying yacht” by Enata Marine splits into three

The “flying yacht” by Enata Marine, besides its innovations in technology and shape, also focuses on comfort on board

20 November 2020 | by Redazione

The Foiler “flying yacht” design by Enata Marine is being refined. After the interest it sparked at the Dubai International Boat Show two years ago, due to the originality of its hull with lateral wings, its speed, and stability, now the shipyard in the Arab Emirates is concentrating on comfort onboard, presenting the latest versions of its “flying yacht”.


The modular platform base is perfected over three models, adaptable by the owners based on their needs. Venturi, for those who enjoy adventure and fun, Royale, for lovers of style, Azure, for family trips.

The first, Venturi, stands out for the presence of two solariums on board. A hideaway table can be set only if needed, so as to leave as much of the area as possible for the passengers to relax in and enjoy the sun and the sea views.

Royale , instead, is available in two versions, Open  and  Cabin, both solutions leaving plenty of space for the personalisation of the layout. The benches and seating area can all be folded away, in order to quickly convert the communal area into a solarium, while the two models are different in the fact that one has a deck area while the other doesn’t.

Open is organised so that passengers can enjoy the fresh air, with seating both to the bow and stern and tables that can be lowered. Cabin, instead, organises the bridge into two different areas, with ample space to hold baggage, a cockpit with a double seat and an air conditioned cabin to protect from bad weather.

Even the Azure version has a cabin, but also has a further covered seating area to the stern, two solariums and a large hideaway table, perfect for families.


All three models have the option of adding a sun roof, underwater lighting around the hull for beautiful effects at night, an invisible anchoring system, a towing hook on the bow for when the Foiler “flying yacht” is used as a tender, and a joystick command on the bridge for fun and easy steering.

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