
Redazione Daily Nautica

Liguria Nautica redazione: Redazione Daily Nautica

Redazione Daily Nautica ha scritto 31 articoli:

The dog days of summer

  • 26 July 2024

The canicola corresponds to the hottest period of the year, between the end of July and the end of August

The hurricane season begins

  • 14 June 2024

The 2024’s season, which spans from June 1 to November 30, has an 85% chance of an above-normal number of storms

The weather is like a wave

  • 17 May 2024

At our latitudes the change of the weather is given by the wedging of low pressure areas between contiguous high pressure ridges, with vast exchanges of air masses comparable to the passage of a wave

An unstable beginning of May

  • 2 May 2024

At least for all the first half of May the weather on the Mediterranean will continue to have the classic features of the spring season: fast storms and unstable days with the first maritime thunderstorms

Spring is here

  • 19 April 2024

Spring is characterized by the strong contrasts between the first warm calls from Africa and the powerful northern wind outbreaks

The announced Storm

Stormy winds, big waves and violent rainfall are causing huge damage and unfortunately also victims

Hurricane season

Just these days, Hurricane Lee has formed, rapidly evolving from a category 3 to a category 4 hurricane

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Registration number 20/2011 under authorisation number 159/2011 of the Tribunale di Genova from 23 Sept. 2011 Editore Carmolab SAS – VAT Num. 01784640995 – Managing Editor: Alessandro Fossati
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