Marinedi participates for the first time in the Southampton International Boat Show 2023

Marinedi Group will be taking part, for the first time, in the Southampton Boat Show, from 15 to 24 September, promoting their services to the British market

11 September 2023 | by Redazione

Marinedi Group, the first marina network in the Mediterranean, will be meeting British and North European boaters at the Southampton International Boat Show, the most important boat show in Britain, running from 15 to 24 September, presenting their innovative services.

With 5,500 mooring places in 15 different ports in Italy, Marinedi Group is clear and transparent with their prices, offers specialised staff and dedicated, high quality services. “Our ports – explains Renato Marconi, CEO and founder of Marinedi Group – are marvellous pitstops for boat owners sailing along the Italian coastline, as well as excellent home ports for those who want to leave their vessels in a safe place with dedicated services and staff.


Among the numerous advantages offered by the Group is the opportunity of stipulating a yearly contract for free mooring for one week and up to four months, in any marina in the network, with the only limits tied to availability. Therefore there are no additional costs and no need to worry about paperwork as that is all managed directly by the marina.

We are the only ones in the Mediterranean – notes Marconi – to offer this kind of service, thanks to the partnerships within our marina network. Owners with seasonal, yearly, or multi-yearly contracts enjoy a 10% discount for any other need they have while moored, and six nights free in the marinas (maximum of two nights per port).”


The marinas that belong to the Marinedi network are located in all of the Italian waters, from the Ligurian Sea to the Upper and Lower Tyrrhenian, the Ionian and Adriatic, and are all interconnected. The network is also expected to expand further.

Marinedi Group’s aim while participating in the British boat show is to create a deeper dialogue with British and North European boat owners, illustrating the singular details which make each marina unique to those owners who want to enjoy Italian hospitality, as well as those evaluating the possibility of making Italy their home port for the winter.


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